Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Freedom from Industrialized Foods

Things have been slow in the Carnal Food Movement. Nordo has seemingly retreated into his kitchen for deep deliberations on the future. But occasionally, we do receive some bits of news from him. Apparently, the world has been weighing heavily on his shoulders. Monsanto has been buying up seed and grain companies left and right and a sugarcane company in Brazil, and the world of artificial foods continue to grow. He wrote me the entire ingredient list of a Stouffer's Salisbury Steak frozen dinner. The gravy alone had over 40 ingredients. It must have taken hours. He sent this out only a day ago in a missive titled "The Need for A Holiday Celebrating Freedom from Industrialized Food".

Mythologue #1

As the story goes there was a time that people subsisted on very unnatural things.

It was the age of petroleum when the black tar was used to fuel everything under the sun- machines, medicine, men, and women.

Trucks, who drank the stuff, rumbled over highways, poured from the stuff, and transported to every store boxed confections, extruded from the stuff, each one carefully packaged in the stuff.

Long oily worms of the stuff were pulled free and spun into new types of fabric.

Vats of the stuff were applied to the skin in order to lubricate, hide blemishes, and provide an attractive sheen.

And, as the story goes, people bored into the inner workings of Nature itself. They cracked cells open and unraveled the strands of life.

Strands were twisted and rewoven to create new lives that died in a year.

To be bought every year.

Strands with bar codes. And strands with trademarks.

Strands with ingrained poisons for pests.

Strands with new colors and new flavors contrived so that our foods became infused with preservatives and would grow around the world in great fields of regularity.

People found that they could create another world, a synthetic manufactured world entirely controlled. People would never want and never need to fear the whimsical cycles of Nature.

As the story goes people willingly turned a blind eye to the darker side of their creations, and they relinquished power over their world to anonymous companies and unscrupulous individuals. Due to the chemical tinkering strange and unsightly creatures began to appear, and the Synthetic Garden was born.


I'm sure something is brewing. Keep posted.